Tuesday, 11 December 2012


I always have had this question in my mind but never  got to question it to anyone but the question has always bothered me at how to we look at the beauty  of a woman and who gets to decide  that this is  what beauty should be like.

In my honest opinion i believe that  the beauty of  any  woman lies in her heart and how she carries herself.somehow we seem to be blinded by the media  feeding us with the delusion of a beautiful woman  as someone in  makeup,luxury designer brands,drives a  top of  the range car and lives in fancy residential area,and all the picture perfect  women we see  in the magazines and other forms of media.dont get me wrong im not saying the media is  wrong,its their job and their making the most of it  as anybody would do with their job.

We live in a beautiful country that has an amazing multitutes of beauty.we should never let anyone or anything define what beauty is to us.so lets love ourselves and appreciate the way we are self love is important.and every morning we must remeber to have this bowl and see how it will boost us.

So here's the list of the questions that has always bothered me and to get us thinking,feel free to answer them in any way possible you feel what defines beauty to you.
  1. why do men  think they can or should influence  the way  we dress?.
  2. why do we aspire to uniform beauty?
  3. why the girl on girl hate  and degrading of one another?
lotsa lipglossy love

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